MINI REVIEW: Joyland by Stephen King
Whether you’re summer is spent at home on your sunny lawn this year or you’re braving distant travel (and risking the virus) with a long road trip, I really think you might wanna take JOYLAND with you.
“What’s a self respecting amusement park without a ghost?”
What’s it about? The year is 1973 and Devin Jones (aka Jonesy) has just gotten his heart broken by his first love. In his attempt to move on, he lands a job at an amusement park and learns there’s an unsolved murder mystery hanging over the park’s head, as well as a fun house ghost!
"I go back to it, if only to remind myself that life isn't always a butcher's game. Sometimes the prizes are real. Sometimes they're precious."
This book isn’t purely a “horror novel” and its murder mystery is more of a backdrop to the protagonist’s journey through heartbreak and self-growth. If you’re looking for straight up thrills, I don’t think you’ll find yourself hastily flipping through the pages, anxious about what happens next. BUT you might find yourself engrossed in this quaint little carny world King has built. The amusement park atmosphere, with it’s aromas of popcorn and its promise of fun, was just what I needed for a cozy summer read. Plus, as always King really has you falling in love with his characters. I nearly got teary eyed by the end. (That’s always a win for me)!
xo Nina
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