MINI REVIEW: My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix

“By the power of Phil Collins, I rebuke you!”

Lemme start by saying I haven’t read a book centered around friendship and unconditional love this great since being introduced to The Loser’s Club in Stephen King’s IT. If I’m emotional by a book’s end, you’ve got me!

For those like me who might be late to the Grady Hendrix Fan Club party, “My Best Friend’s Exorcism” is about Abby Rivers and Gretchen Lang, two best friends who’s unbreakable bond is put to the ultimate test when the devil gets involved.

This book gave me more than I could have asked for in a horror comedy novel: strong female friendships, teen angst, family drama, unspeakable horrors, tons of 80’s pop culture references, creative chapter headings (that were not lost on me even as a 90’s kid) and, of course, a freaking exorcism!

This is my second Grady Hendrix novel that I’ve blazed through—(check out “Horrorstor” if you haven’t yet!)—and during a time when I was starving for something good to read, I completely devoured his witty storytelling and brilliant writing. I recommend this book for anyone who loves a good supernatural thriller with heart!


                                                                           xo Nina


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